Bright, persistent ringing ripped Tom from sleep. He rolled over, fumbled for the reading light beside his bed, and reached for his phone. As he answered the call, he saw the time: 3:00 a.m. Nothing good comes from a three o’clock call.
Tom Smith was born in Jacksonville, Florida and resides in Middleburg, Florida. He has been married to his beloved wife Nora since 1985. They have two beautiful daughters, Danielle and Kayla.
Tom has been a deacon and a servant leader at First Baptist Church Middleburg since 1990. One of his favorite roles is leading a men’s Bible study group at the church. In addition, Tom enjoys serving on the board of Sidewalk Ministries, a ministry for inner-city children in Jacksonville, Florida.
Tom is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), and a member of the John Maxwell Team. He is the author of the Boss Bandit series of children’s picture books. You can find them on Amazon.
If you’d like to reach out to Tom for support or more information, you can reach him at tw********@ou*****.com.
The stories in this book represent the most painful experiences of my life, and I cannot imagine surviving them without my Christian faith. Karl Marx famously said, “Religion is the opiate of the masses,” and some people say that faith is a crutch. I am not too proud to admit that I needed to lean on my Lord and Savior to soothe my pain and give me strength through my father’s violence, my daughter’s death, and my nephew’s murder.
I hope you have seen throughout this book that God never abandoned me or my family. God was with my mother as she raised her children in the church despite her husband’s drinking. God was with me each time I struggled through a visit with my father, especially when I was visiting him in prison. God even helped us forgive George at the end of his life.
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Join Tom Smith on a journey through personal tragedy, faith, and resilience. Learn how support from family, friends, and church can guide you through life’s darkest moments.
ISBN 13 (SOFT): 9798385035779
ISBN 13 (HARD): 9798385035786
ISBN 13 (eBook): 9798385035793